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    Two-stage Mean Semi-variance Portfolio Optimization with Stock Return Prediction Using Machine Learning
    Peng ZHANG,Shi-li DANG,Mei-yu HUANG,Jing-xin LI
    Chinese Journal of Management Science    2023, 31 (12): 96-106.   DOI: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2021.2308
    Abstract489)   HTML61)    PDF (2248KB)(790)      

    Since accurately predicting stock return sequences can improve the performance of portfolio optimization models, the results have indicated that machine learning methods have a greater capacity to confront problems with nonlinear, nonstationary charateristics than econometric models. Consequently, a novel two-stage method is proposed for well-diversified portfolio construction based on stock return prediction using machine learning, which includes two stages. To be specific, the purpose of the first stage is to select diversified stocks with high predicted returns, where the returns are predicted by machine learning methods, i.e. eXtreme Gradient Boosting(XGBoost), support vector regression(SVR), K-Nearest Neighbor(KNN), and evaluate and select the model. In the second stage, considering the constraints such as transaction costs and threshold constraints, the predictive results are incorporated into the mean semi-variance (M-SV) model, mean-variance model and equally weighted model to determine optimal portfolio. Finally, using China Securities 300 Index component stocks as study sample, the empirical results demonstrate that the XGBoost+MSV model achieves better results than similar counterparts and market index in terms of return and return-risk metrics.

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    Research on the Risk Points Prediction of Emergency Public Opinion
    Ning MA,Yi-jun LIU,Liang-liang LI
    Chinese Journal of Management Science    2023, 31 (11): 58-66.   DOI: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2021.2045
    Abstract422)   HTML42)    PDF (790KB)(527)      

    After the occurrence of emergencies, coexistence of multiple risk points appears in public opinion communication, which amplifies irrational emotions of the public and causes negative impacts on the ecology of public opinions. In this context, how to accurately predict possible public opinion risk points derived from emergencies in the first time after the occurrence of emergencies has become a targeted and efficient key. In this thesis, based on historical data of emergencies that took place in recent ten years in China, various risk points in the public opinion communication of emergencies are identified and a co-occurrence analysis on risk points is conducted. Secondly, feature similarity algorithm is utilized to calculate the similarity between different emergencies, while Jaccard index is used to quantitatively predict all the explicit and potential public opinion risk points in emergencies. By taking history as a mirror, this research aims to predict public opinion risk points in the budding stage of risks from the perspective of source governance of public opinion risks, with the hope of offering help for grasping the initiative and the right to speak when coping with public opinion risks.

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