
Matching Relationship between Network Resources and Technology Resources of New Product Development: EmpiricalStudy Based on Chinese Manufacturing Enterprises

  • Business School, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China

Received date: 2015-03-30

  Revised date: 2015-11-12

  Online published: 2016-04-29


In the background of new technological revolution, the requirements of breadth and depth for resources in new product development are increasing. The Matching combination of different resources has played a direct and decisive role for the success of new product development. By combining the resource based view and social network theory, the effects of varying degrees of combination of network-technology resources on the market performance/risk of enterprises' new product development are intensively investigated, and the adjustment effect of product diversification on the relationship between the combination of network-technology resources and the market performance/risk of new product development is explored. By using the survey data from 143 Chinese manufacturing enterprises structural equation modeling and hierarchical regression analyzes method are utilized, an empirical study is conducted and then the results are obtained as follows: the combination of network resources breadth-technology resources depth and network resources depth-technology resources breadth have positive impacts on the market performance and negative ones on the risk of new product development; the combination of network resources breadth-technology resources breadth and network resources depth-technology resources depth have negative impacts on the market performance and positive ones on the risk of new product development; the product diversification has positive impacts on the adjustment of the relationship between the combination of network resources breadth-technology resources depth and the risk of new product development, and it also has positive impacts on the adjustment of the relationship between the combination of network resources breadth-technology resources breadth and the market performance/risk of new product development. This study provides a theoretical basis and decision support for the enterprises to improve the efficiency of resources allocation and reduce the risk of new product development.

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YAO Zheng, MA Chao-qun, YANG Zhi . Matching Relationship between Network Resources and Technology Resources of New Product Development: EmpiricalStudy Based on Chinese Manufacturing Enterprises[J]. Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2016 , 24(4) : 148 -158 . DOI: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2016.04.017


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