
Chinese Journal of Management Science ›› 2005, Vol. ›› Issue (2): 81-87.

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A Decision Support Model of Enterprise Based on CBR Technique

LU Yun, WU Ying-yu, DA Qing-li   

  1. School of economic & Management, Southeast university, Nanjing 210018, China
  • Received:2003-09-22 Revised:2005-02-24 Online:2005-04-28 Published:2012-03-07

Abstract: A model of decision support based on Case-based Reasoning technique is present in this paper,after searching the management index of enterprise in the case storehouse,we can find the most similar source enterprise case with the target enterprise.We can give some helpful advice to the target enterprise by analysis the result of source enterprise.We use a new case retrieval measure-hybrid measure in the model to further the traditional techniques.

Key words: case-based reasoning, case retrieval, hybrid measure

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