
Chinese Journal of Management Science ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (7): 172-180.doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2021.1370

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Research on Collaborative Pricing Strategy of Multi-mode Shared Mobility Platform with Consideration of Passenger Utility

Xiang Li,Yanan Li,Hongguang Ma()   

  1. School of Economics and Management,Beijing University of Chemical Technology,Beijing 100029,China
  • Received:2021-07-11 Revised:2022-04-06 Online:2024-07-25 Published:2024-08-07
  • Contact: Hongguang Ma E-mail:mahg@mail.buct.edu.cn


With the rapid growth of personalized and diversified travel demand, and the rapid development of technical means such as Internet, big data and mobile payment, the shared mobility platform is constantly transforming and upgrading, and aims at providing multi-mode services for passengers.In busy urbantransportation networks, choosing a suitable and efficient transport mode is important. Under this background, how to establish collaborative pricing strategies for the multi-mode services has been a pain point, which seriously handicaps the development of the platform.For a shared mobility platform with customized bus service and ride-hailing service, collaborative pricing models for four scenarios, including “driver-owned ride-hailing + centralized pricing”, “driver-owned ride-hailing + decentralized pricing”, “platform-owned ride-hailing + centralized pricing” and “platform-owned ride-hailing + decentralized pricing”, with the consideration of the impact of price, waiting time and ride comfort on passenger utility. The corresponding optimal pricing strategies are proved. The numerical results show that for customized bus service and ride-hailing service, the better one between centralized pricing and decentralized pricing with driver-owned ride-hailing is determined by the initial passengers share of customized bus service and the commission to driver’s income charged by the platform; the better one between centralized pricing and decentralized pricing with platform-owned ride-hailing is determined by the initial passengers share of customized bus and the cost per ride-hailing order. In addition, ride comfort is an important factor for passenger utility. Ignoring ride comfort will make customized bus service raise pricing, which reduces the number of passengers and the profit of customized bus service, and ultimately affects the total profit of the platform.The contribution of this paper to the theory and practice of collaborative pricing of diversified shared mobility platform includes the following three aspects.First, the optimal pricing strategies of ride-hailing service and customized bus service under different platform operation modes and pricing methods are deduced.Secondly, the impacts of pricing mode on platform profit, customized bus service profit and ride-hailing service profit under different operation modes are analyzed.Thirdly, it is revealed that ride comfort is an important factor affecting passenger utility.

Key words: shared mobility platform, customized bus, ride-hailing, collaborative pricing, passenger utility

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