
Chinese Journal of Management Science ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (10): 203-213.doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2021.1297

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Research on Cooperative Value-added Service Decision of Dual-channel Supply Chains Based on Customer Value

Ziyuan Zhang,Shiming Yi,Liying Yu()   

  1. School of Management,Shanghai University,Shanghai 200444,China
  • Received:2021-07-01 Revised:2022-08-02 Online:2024-10-25 Published:2024-11-09
  • Contact: Liying Yu E-mail:yuliying@shu.edu.cn


With the gradual enhancement of customer service awareness, the demand for services has become diversified, and personalized value-added services have become an important means for manufacturing and retail enterprises to gain competitiveness considering customer value. Value-added services facilitate the use of products by customers, and have a greater impact on customer value. Therefore, in dual-channel supply chains, both offline retailers and e-commerce platforms are keen to enhance customer value to achieve the purpose of expanding its own channel market demand by providing value-added services. It is very important for members of dual-channel supply chains to formulate reasonable value-added service strategies in the era of customer value as the core.Considering customer value and value-added services of offline retailers and e-commerce platforms, in order to explore the optimal cooperative value-added service strategy choice problem of a dual-channel supply chain, four cooperative value-added service scenarios of the manufacturer, offline retailer and e-commerce platform are established in this paper: non-cooperation strategy,manufacturers only cooperate with offline retailers, manufacturers only cooperate with e-commerce platforms and manufacturers cooperate with offline retailers and e-commerce platforms at the same time. With the help of game theory, comparison and numerical analysis methods, the optimal decisions and different members’ profits under different scenarios are compared and analyzed. The results show that: the optimal strategies of channel members are not consistent. Manufacturers who cooperate with offline retailers and e-commerce platforms in value-added services can enhance dual-channel customer value. This is the manufacturer’s optimal strategy. Non-cooperative value-added services is the manufacturer’s worst strategy, manufacturers only cooperate with e-commerce platforms (offline retailers) for value-added services. These are the best strategies for e-commerce platforms (offline retailers), and the worst strategies for offline retailers (e-commerce platforms), the sub-optimal strategies for manufacturers. The customer value of the e-commerce channel may not decrease with the increase in the marginal profit of the manufacturer’s e-commerce channel. The customer value of the offline channel may not decrease with the increase in the offline retailer’s marginal profit. These depend on the relative sensitivity of customers’ perception of gains and losses.

Key words: customer value, cooperative value-added service, dual-channel supply chain, e-commerce platform

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