The difficulty to market remanufactured parts and lack of qualified used parts are two key issues for remanufacturing industry. Concerning that,the Internet +auto parts closed-loop marketing system that simultaneously promotes old parts collection and sales of remanufactured parts is proposed.Considering the marketing input's collection effort effect which works to promote the single period used parts collection and multi-period advertising effect which works to improve the long-term green awareness with brand loyalty, we set up a multi-period closed-loop marketing input and differential pricing model and give optimal decision. Based on the present situation of auto parts market in China, the different strategic examples such as no closed-loop marketing, primary closed-loop marketing and upgraded closed-loop marketing are analyzed. Researches show that:closed-loop marketing can significantly improve the total revenue, while the match of collection effort and multi-period advertising effect should be taken into account during the upgrading of marketing strategy. For products with a long life cycle, the closed-loop marketing strategy should be adjusted frequently. The conclusion of this study can help to further improve the theory of closed-loop supply chain and marketing.
LI Yan, LIN Xin-yi, DA Qing-li
. Multi-period Closed-loop Marketing & Pricing Strategy with Remanufacturing[J]. Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2018
, 26(8)
: 67
DOI: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2018.08.007
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