In order to weaken the monopoly position of traditional retailer, manufacturers introduce online channel to compete with retailers. This paper is on the basis of consumers' low-carbon and channel preferences, to research whether manufacturers would take action to reduce emissions. Through the comparative analysis of different decision models, the optimal boundary of emission reduction can be found. The results show that,in decentralized decision-making model, the low carbon decision of the manufacturer is influenced by the channel preference; the low carbon decision of the manufacturer remains unchanged when the centralized decision is made. Reduction boundary of different decision models is related to the preference for channel.When the channel preference is higher, the reduction boundary of decentralized decision-making is higher; when the channel preference is lower, the reduction boundary of centralized decision is higher; when the channel preference is neutral, both of them have same reduction boundary. The manufacturer should bring in low-carbon technology, low-carbon management and other ways to reduce the cost sensitive value, and also increase consumers' recognition of its low carbon products through low carbon product certification and advertising at the same time.
Sun Jia-nan, Xiao Zhong-dong
. Decision-making of Dual-channel Supply Chain Emission Reduction based on Consumer Preference to Low-carbon[J]. Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2018
, 26(4)
: 49
DOI: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2018.04.006
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