
Analysis of Supply Chain Model of Business Interruption Insurance Under the Supply Risk

  • School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400030, China

Received date: 2016-04-13

  Revised date: 2017-03-07

  Online published: 2018-02-10


A variety of emergencies and disasters are more and more frequently striking the supply chain, and the supply chain globalization further exacerbates the supply chain risk, especially supply risk. The business interruption insurance is an important means of risk management. So the application of business interruption insurance in supply chain risk management is an important opportunity for combining operation with finance. From the perspective of supply chain risk management and combination of operation and insurance, a supplier is considered to transfer the supply risk through the business interruption insurance in the context of supply and demand uncertainty. By depicting a supply chain model with the supplier, retailer and insurance company involved in the game, interactions of the supply chain with the business interruption insurance and the problem of premium rate are explored. In the model, the insurance company makes the premium rate r first, then the supplier decides the wholesale pricewand the insurance coverage L at the same time, lastly the retailer decides its order quantity q. The double integral and convex optimization method are applied to study the trilateral game model, and by the zero point theorem, monotonicity and concavity and convexity of continuous function, the existence and uniqueness of the optimal rate is proved. In this paper, the model without insurance of supplier is regarded as basic model, By contrasting the insuring situation with it, the interaction between supply chain and business interruption insurance is discovered. The numerical analysis shows the comparison of the order quantity, the wholesale price and the profit of supply chain members between the insuring situation and the situation without insurance. The study finds that the insuring can achieve a tripartite win-win situation after the insurance company makes a reasonable rate by weighing the premium investment income and supply risk. Not only have profits of supply chain members been increased, but also the insurance company can benefit, and the supply chain cooperation and application of the insurance promote each other. The combining supply chain with insurance is investigated, providing a brand new perspective for the study of the traditional supply chain risk management. The exploring to the return effect of supply chain cooperation on business interruption insurance offers an entry point for the popularization study of the insurance. In addition, a preliminary exploration on the decision making of business interruption insurance premium rate is made, which lays a foundation for the further study on the premium rate decision of the business interruption insurance.

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YU Hui, WU Teng-fei . Analysis of Supply Chain Model of Business Interruption Insurance Under the Supply Risk[J]. Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2017 , 25(12) : 39 -47 . DOI: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2017.12.005


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