The exploitation of metal mineral resources is a complex and socially systematic project involving conflicts of the interests of all parties and ecological security. Ecological compensation is an effective system to coordinate the interests of all parties and to ensure the ecological security.Based on this background,the balance of interests of ecological compensation under the condition of the construction of ecological civilization system in the field of mineral resourcesis is analyzed.The interest equilibrium and dynamic evolutionary process of the central government,local government,local enterprises and local residents is analyzed by using the game theory in the exploitation of metal mineral resources.In addition to taking into account the complex interest demands of the interests and the existence of the strong reciprocity group,the conditions which are needed to achieve the desired equilibrium results are reached. The following conclusions are drawn through the analysis of the conditions.The strategy choice of the game between central government and local government is affected by the revenues,the cost of compensation,the financial transfer payment,the punishment dynamics,and the strong reciprocity behavior.The strategy choice of the game between local government and local enterprises is affected by the revenues,supervision costs,taxes and fees,fines,governance costs and government incentives.The strategy choice of the game between local enterprises and local residents is affected by revenues,compensation costs,cost of resistance and government incentives. And on this basis,in order to verify the conditions needed for the equilibrium,the Dexing copper mine which is a typical case of the complex interest demands is analyzed. In this process,not only the value of relevant parameters is estimated by using the ecological value equivalent method,corrected human capital method,cost of illness method,market value method,substitution method,opportunity cost method,shadow price method and modern space information technology,but also the data is calculated by using statistical data. After numerical simulation is carried out with MATLAB software,the consistency between the real equilibrium and the expected equilibrium is analyzed. Further more it is verified that the model and the equalization result is universal and extensible.Moreover,the corresponding counter measures of ecological compensation are out forward. It also provides a new thoughts and analysis theoretical framework to solve the problem of the balance of interests of ecological compensation in the field of mineral resources.
JIA Shu-xian, HUANG Jian-bai, ZHONG Mei-rui
. Interest-balancing Analysis on Metal Mineral Resources Ecological Compensation Under the Construction of Ecological Civilization System[J]. Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2017
, 25(11)
: 122
DOI: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2017.11.013
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