With the expanding penetration of disciplines, more and more organizations realize that research cooperation conducive to the development of scientific research and attach great importance to research cooperation. The cooperation network between organizations is analyzed from co-authorship paper, which will help to understand the significance of research cooperation at a deeper level and to guide the direction and mode of research cooperation. Recently, Management Science has been experiencing rapid development and playing increasing important roles in the economic prosperity and social development in China. However, the research about the cooperation network about Management Science in China is still relatively scarce. Based on Mainland China scholars' 6670 papers included by 137 important Management Science journals (rating A or A+) from 2001 to 2015, social network analysis method is adopted to make a statistical analysis of the structure and evolution of institution collaboration network on management sciences in Mainland China. The empirical results show that the institutional-level cooperation rate and cooperation degree of about Management Science in China are 81.31% and 2.32 respectively. Moreover, the cooperation rate and cooperation degree change little during 2001 to 2015. Indicators of the overall network analysis reveal that the most cooperation relation among the institutions is feeble. The number of connected subgraphs is reduced with the increasing nodes in the network. The core-edge analysis shows that Hong Kong's research institutions play an important connection role among the cooperation network. The results of degree centrality, betweenness centrality, and closeness centrality indicate that the Chinese Academy of Sciences is the most influential institution among the cooperation network. Moreover, there is a strong positive correlation between the centrality indicators and the number of articles, and the number of being cited.
WU Deng-sheng, LI Ruo-yun
. The Structure and Evolution of Institution Collaboration Network on Management Sciences in China[J]. Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2017
, 25(9)
: 168
DOI: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2017.09.019
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