
Research on the Game process Between Heat Consumers in Civil Building with Heat Metering

  • 1. National Academy of Innovation Strategy, Chinese Association for Science and Technology, Beijing 100863, China;
    2. Institute of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China;
    3. University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Received date: 2015-01-03

  Revised date: 2015-12-30

  Online published: 2017-08-26


China has a large variety of existing and new apartment buildings which means its energy consumption grows faster with the increase of urbanization. Building energy consumption takes a large share of the total energy consumption. Reducing this part plays a key role in energy conservation and emissions reduction, which can be realized mainly by heat metering in consumers. Different with the other heat metering and allocation method which usually allocating the heat charge by building or neighborhoods, an allocation model between one user and its neighbors is constructed, linked with the heat transfer which can be considered as a game model. Usually most of these problems involved games among the government, the heat company and the residents. In this paper, the heat transferred between apartment is considered as a public goods. Followed the famous game problem of private goods sharing voluntarily, one resident which position is at corner and its neighbors in the center position are the two agents in this game. The Nash equilibrium is calculated, where the corner resident need more public heat than the center residents. When assuming the Cobb-Douglas utility function, A brand new heat allocation model is proposed which against the backdrop of low quality of heating building, deficiency of heat charging mechanism. Sharing the charge among the heat user and its neighbors, this model can more accurately measure the heat used during the heating season. Heat transfer between apartments, different heat use habits etc. can be solved and balanced the different locations of the user's heat charge variation, which promote the large area heat metering work. The key is public heat and private heat prices of radiator heating and neighbor heat transfer are defied and used to construct the heat usage game model. The empirical research indicates that this model can availably handle many problems in the period of heat metering promotion, such as corner room, heat transfer between neighbors, different climate conditions etc., which gives citizen a new method and measure for utilizing and metering heat, promoting the energy conservation and emission reduction.

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ZHAO Yu, CHEN Rui, LIAO Yuan . Research on the Game process Between Heat Consumers in Civil Building with Heat Metering[J]. Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2017 , 25(6) : 169 -178 . DOI: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2017.06.018


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