Energy conservation and emissions reduction is closely related to industrial development.In order to explore the best combination way of energy conservation and emissions reduction policy and industry, the 1052 energy conservation and emission reduction policies are quantified in our country from 1997 to 2013. A metric model of effectiveness of energy conservation and emission reduction is established, and the impact on energy conservation and emission reduction which caused by energy conservation and emission reduction policy with single industry and several industries is respectively discussed. The results show that:(1) The combination between energy conservation and emission reduction policies and single industry has promoting effect on energy conservation and emission reduction. (2) Because of the lack of effective coordination between our country' industries at present, the combination of energy conservation and emission reduction policy and industry is failed to promote energy conservation and emission reduction, even to a certain extent, will reduce the effect on energy conservation and emission reduction.These results can provide guiding significance for the government in promulgating energy conservation and emissions reduction policies. The policy issued for single industry is beneficial to promoting the effectiveness of energy conservation and emissions reduction. In practice, actively guide the benign synergy between industries can promote energy conservation and emissions reduction.
ZHANG Guo-xing, GAO Wan-xia, ZHANG Zhen-hua, GUAN Xin, FANG Min
. CanIindustrial Collaboration Promote the Effectiveness of Energy Conservation and Emissions Reduction? Based on the Research of 1052 energy Conservation and Emissions Reduction Policies[J]. Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2017
, 25(3)
: 181
DOI: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2017.03.021
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