Based on a multiple-country-sector general-equilibrium model, the development and industrial structural changes of several main countries or regions are analyzed. Taking geographic interaction into account, the world in this paper is divided into 10 countries and regions, and every country or region has 12 industrial sectors. And different investment structures are also made to analyze the changes of industrial structure. The results show that if China strengthen the development of the service sector, the development of China's and global economy will be better. If the USA and Japan strengthen the development of second industry, the economy of them will get bad influence, and this will also be bad to the economy of global economy.
HU Min, WANG Zheng, GU Gao-xiang
. Geopolinomic Analysis of Industrial Structural Changes of Countries based on a Multiple-country-sector General-Equilibrium Model[J]. Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2017
, 25(2)
: 155
DOI: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2017.02.017
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