Based on two-stage supply chain system for retailer-and-manufacturer, considering transportation process of including carbon tax cost, a carbon trading model that take into account investment for reducing emission is established in the paper, and model under carbon policy is compared to that under no policy. By this, the influence mechanism of carbon policies on supply chain is studied. The results show:under the constraint of the ratio of transportation and cost for retailer, carbon tax raises the price of energy and reduces emissions; under the constraint of the strict cap, carbon trading policy including investment for emissions reduction can realize the dual optimization of the manufacturer cost and emissions; manufacturer taking the partial transportation can achieve the coordination of supply chain, and the multiple carbon policies can reduce coordination cost. Finally, the models are verified and analyzed by a numerical example.
LI Jian, SU Qin
. The Study of Emission Reduction Model for Supply Chain Considering Transportation[J]. Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2017
, 25(2)
: 78
DOI: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2017.02.009
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