For the complex decision-making issue, it often could be expressed by a new network structure of analytic network process(ANP) with benefits, opportunities, costs and risks(BOCR) merits, which is called conventional ANP-BOCR structure. However, the structure has the following disadvantages. First, the dependence relation among criteria(criteria cluster) lying different BOCR sub-network is ignored. Second, in opportunities and risks sub-network, the dynamic characteristics of the system elements(i.e., system elements and their priorities could with vary with different expected time) cannot be reflected scientifically. Third, the determination way for criteria(criteria cluster) in the network structure of conventional ANP-BOCR is preformed poor due to lacking of well scientificity. To overcome drawbacks abovementioned, in this paper, a novel constructing approach for spatial network structure of ANP-BOCR is given based on decision making trial and evaluation laboratory(DEMATEL) and dynamic decision idea. Compared with exiting ANP-BOCR structure, the new approach breaks the limit of strict structure system consisting of fixed alternatives and criteria, and gives a dynamic decision structure under spatial dimension framework. Furthermore, the DEMATEL is applied to determine the key criteria, which shows well stringency. Finally, based on real case data, the new method is validated to be reliable by contrasting to the conventional ANP-BOCR structure of current case, and it builds a foundation for further research on improving the alternative synthesis method for BOCR weights.
SUN Yong-he, DUAN Wan-chun, LI Ya-qun, XIE Hui
. A Construction Method of Spatial Network of ANP-BOCR for Complex Systems[J]. Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2016
, 24(2)
: 144
DOI: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2016.02.018
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