With the deepening of research of Emergency Management, emergency decision-making process is characterized by dynamic and uncertainty of disaster information and complexity of the decision-making system environment. At the same time, decisions making of the whole emergency rescue needs to be constantly adjusted with scenario information updating. On the basis of domestic and foreign research, a two-stage decision model is proposed in this paper for relief allocation with disaster scenario information updating. From the characteristics of the actual relief allocation, a stages division of emergency rescue response is put forward combined with the feature of disaster information update. On this basis, a two-stage robust-stochastic optimization model is then established, to achieve aftereffect of adjustment decisions. For the results of the first stage allocation affect the second stage decisions by defining dummy repository and dummy temporary distribution center. According to the characteristics of the Robust Optimization and Stochastic Programming, the corresponding Primal-dual and L-Shaped Method algorithm is designed to solve model. Finally, these models were solved by CPLEX, and carried out numerical examples under scenarios generation. By comparing with other methods, the superiority of the models we design is demonstrated under disaster scenario information updating.
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