The city bus line layout is influenced by many factors. The simple pursuit of the best single indicator line in the actual bus route optimization is often difficult to obtain satisfactory results. Due to shortcoming of traditional bus route optimization algorithm for solving optimization problems that exist in the line, the paper analyzes the ant colony optimization algorithm optimization features. Combined with the advantages of the local path Dijkstra algorithm optimization, Dijkstra hybrid ant colony optimization algorithm is proposed. Secondly, for the optimization of the resulting line, a hierarchical clustering method of principal component analysis and evaluation to optimize the performance evaluation is proposed. Finally, the case study of bus lines optimization in Hefei is proposed as an example to verify the proposed algorithm. The results show that the proposed algorithm could take into account traffic density and maximum travel the shortest path, and gives an effective alternative. The optimization results are consistent with the actual situation in Hefei. The achievement of this paper has practical and realistic significance to the large urban public transportation network optimization in China.
PAN Ruo-yu, CHU Wei, YANG Shan-lin
. Hub-and-spoke Container Shipping Network Design in a Competitive Environment[J]. Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2015
, 23(9)
: 106
DOI: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2015.09.013
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