Based on space mapping of interval grey number, whitenization weight function was used to describe the distribution of interval grey number. Grey figure and grey centre were defined to describe the shape of the whitenization weight function and its gravity centre respectively; Grey circle and grey radius were defined to describe the circle which has the same area as the grey figure and its radius respectively. Based on Deng's incidence degree, a new idea for the incidence degree analysis of interval grey number is proposed in this paper by measuring the difference of two grey figure sequences. With the horizontal and vertical ordinate sequence of grey centre and the difference of the grey radius, a new incidence degree model of interval grey number with whitenization weight function was established. Focus on one kind of widely used whitenization weight function, the specific formula of the incidence degree was derived. At the end of the paper, a numerical example of supplier selection proves that the new method is cogent and effective. Incidence degree model of interval grey number based on whitenization weight function could be widely used in the areas such as the resources exploration, the machinery fault diagnostic, the product quality evaluation and Supplier selection.
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