With the analysis of the current financing difficulties and its causes of SMEs in China, the improved fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model—AFF model(Analytic hierarchy process- Factor Analysis- Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation) is proposed in this paper, in order to deal with the credit assessment on SMEs. During the index weight in decision-making problems, the proposed model considered the uncertainty of a complex large group decision-making, and the problem of index weights in the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is discussed, combined subjective weighting method with the objective weighting method. Based on that group decision making AHP determined the subjective weights and factor analysis determined the objective weights, there goes the comprehensive weight determined by the multiplication normalization formula. The model not only overcomes the shortcomings of traditional subjective factors empowerment method, but also takes full account of objective factors, and introduced the idea of group decision-making, expanding the application of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, with more theoretical practical significance. 53 companies of IT service industry are selected as the sample, the model is used to do empirical analysis, which verifies the model's applicability, stability and objectivity. The results show that the AFF model can accurately get the company's credit rating, and can find some relevant factors that will lead to bad credit. With the analysis of the relevant factors, it can help leaders and decision-makers to improve the company's credit situation, thus has a strong practical significance. AFF model has both application and popularization in the comprehensive evaluation area.
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