
中国管理科学 ›› 2021, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (12): 115-124.doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2021.0242

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张川, 马慧敏   

  1. 东北大学工商管理学院,辽宁 沈阳110169
  • 收稿日期:2021-02-03 修回日期:2021-09-08 出版日期:2021-12-20 发布日期:2021-12-28
  • 通讯作者: 张川(1969-),男(汉族),辽宁本溪人,东北大学工商管理学院,副教授,研究方向:运营与供应链管理、大数据管理决策,Email:czhang@mail.neu.edu.cn. E-mail:czhang@mail.neu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Information Sharing in a Supply Chain in the Presence of a Dominant E-retailer under Competition

ZHANG Chuan, MA Hui-min   

  1. School of Business Administration, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110169, China
  • Received:2021-02-03 Revised:2021-09-08 Online:2021-12-20 Published:2021-12-28
  • Contact: 张川 E-mail:czhang@mail.neu.edu.cn

摘要: 考虑由单一供应商、单一电子零售商和单一传统零售商组成的供应链,研究了占主导地位的电子零售商的在线销售模式(转售和代理销售)选择及信息共享策略。首先,针对两种在线销售模式,构建了信息共享和不共享情形下以供应链成员利润最大化为目标的优化模型,并通过求解模型得到了供应链成员的均衡定价和订货策略;然后,比较了不同策略组合下供应链各成员的期望利润,分析了各成员的信息共享策略偏好以及电子零售商的销售模式选择策略。研究表明:1)在转售模式下,当市场需求波动程度较小时,信息共享会增加电子零售商的利润,降低供应商和传统零售商的利润;当波动程度较大时,则相反;当市场需求波动处于中等水平时,电子零售商不共享信息能使供应商、电子零售商和传统零售商达成三赢局面。2)在代理销售模式下,信息共享能增加传统零售商的利润,但不一定能增加供应商和电子零售商的利润。只有佣金费率较低,高市场类型的概率较低且市场需求波动不大时,信息共享才是电子零售商的最优策略。3)主导电子零售商应该选择转售模式。本文的研究可为主导电商企业销售模式选择和信息分享决策提供理论依据;为相关零售企业在不同策略组合下定价和订货决策提供支持。

关键词: 供应链管理;电子零售商主导;信息共享;线上销售模式;博弈论

Abstract: With the progress of information technology, online retailing is developing rapidly. Because e-retailers have a huge online shopping consumer base and are good at online sales, cooperation with e-retailers has become the best choice for suppliers to add online retail channels. For this reason, e-retailers (such as JD.com and Amazon) have greater voice and influence in the supply chain and occupy a dominant position, which is the result of the transfer of power from suppliers to e-retailers. These dominant e-retailers provide suppliers with reselling mode or agency selling mode to cooperate. In the reselling mode, the supplier wholesales products to the e-retailer and then the e-retailer sells products to consumers; In the agency selling mode, the supplier directly sells products to consumers by paying a commission fee to the e-retailer. At the same time, relying on advanced information technology and big data, dominant e-retailers have more abundant and accurate market demand information than suppliers and traditional retailers. Therefore, it is worthwhile to study the information sharing strategy and operation strategy in the presence of a dominant e-retailer under competition.

Key words: supply chain management; the dominant e-retailer; information sharing; online selling mode; game theroy
