With the rapid development of economy in our country, the problems of environmental pollution become increasingly serious. The original products, which are high-pollution, high-consumption and low-output, cannot meet the demands of people's lives.The products, which are low-carbon, green energy-saving, environment-friendly, get more and more attention from the government, companies and consumers. Therefore, a manufacturer should produce environment-friendly products to meet the consumption demand.Although this mode will limit the enterprise development in a short period, it will provide more competitive and sustainable development for the enterprise in the end. For those reasons, the government should guide the manufacturer to produce the product. In this paper, the dynamic game method is used to study the influence on closed-loop supply chain decisions, which, under the guidance of government, depend on the energy saving degree of the manufacturer's production unit. Two closed-loop supply chain models-centralized supply chain model and decentralized supply chain model, consisting of a manufacturer, a collector and a consumer, are established. How should the government set the optimal level of benchmark energy saving to achieve the balance of corporate profits and social responsibility is additionally considered. At the same time, a compensation mechanism is used to coordinate the supply chain. The results show that the government should set the benchmark energy saving level in order to better improveenergy saving. The recovery rate increases with the increasing of benchmark energy efficiency.On the condition of the same benchmark energy saving level, the centralized supply chain has higher energy saving. Besides, when at the same benchmark energy saving level circumstances, the profits of manufacturer increase, while the profits of collector decrease, with increasing of the benchmark energy saving level. To activate the collector, a profit compensation contract is designed. The correctness of the above conclusions is verified by the example analysis.On the one hand, the results of this paper can provide guidance for the supply chain enterprises, which are under the energy-saving constrain. On the other hand, it can also provide theoretical support for the government to make the optimal benchmark energy-saving degree.
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