The location and allocation decision of the emergency equipment directly affects the efficiency and effectiveness of disaster relief, which is mainly based on the administrative division structure considering the relationship of administrative affiliation. So, focus in put on the collaborative allocation mechanism in hierarchical location and allocation problem of emergency equipment, also comparing to the widely existing decision-making methods in realistic management, like an equally distributed pattern. Taking the effectiveness of timeliness and economy into account, a hierarchical collaborative location and allocation model is formulated, which is an integer programming based on scenario analysis. The model combines the hierarchical emergency capability characteristic with multiple emergency scenarios, aiming to find the most acceptable layout decision to mitigate the worst impact. By historical earthquake disaster of Yunnan Province, a regression model of earthquake-affected population is estimated to provide a prediction of the equipment demand quantity in each generated earthquake scenario. Based on above, the bi-objective integer programming is solved using YALMIP. To conclude the strengths and weakness of the two patterns mentioned before, They are compared to the existing location and allocation layout in reality as well. The paper delved into the collaborative characteristics in hierarchical location and allocation of emergency equipment and stressed that the application of collaborative mechanism should be promoted further.
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