Although project management ability is improved continuously, the success rate of enterprise information systems project is still pessimistic. Lack of roles orientation and mutual understanding, and lack of effective risk control mechanisms are the key factors that negatively influence project performance. In order to explore the joint effect of risk and control on information systems project performance from different perspectives, 65 project managers and 63 user liaisons from 128 projects are investigated. Furthermore, empirical analysis is conducted by using structural equation model. Hypotheses are tested by employing hierarchical regression analysis. The results show that both formal and informal controls positively affected project performance. However, formal control is more effective for project managers, while informal control is more effective for user liaisons. In addition, organization risk and technology risk suppress the effect of formal and informal controls on performance from the perspectives of both project managers and user liaisons. Therefore, the choice of control should not only be based on the characteristics of projects, but also on the role of stakeholders. Moreover, the project performance not only depends on success or failure factors, also on their balance. The research results provide a new conceptual framework and decision-making support for controlling risks in information systems projects.
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