

  • 1. 华中科技大学管理学院, 湖北 武汉 430074;
    2. 武汉大学经济与管理学院, 湖北 武汉 430072

收稿日期: 2016-05-13

  修回日期: 2017-03-01

  网络出版日期: 2018-02-10



Duopoly Enterprises' Strategies for Consumer Environmental Awareness under Carbon-Emission-Trading Mechanism

  • 1. School of Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China;
    2. Economics and Management School of Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China

Received date: 2016-05-13

  Revised date: 2017-03-01

  Online published: 2018-02-10


随着国际社会越来越多地关注节能减排问题,企业越来越重视生产和销售环保型产品(eco-friendly products)过程中的低碳化运营。一方面,随着我国碳排放权交易的改革,碳交易成为了企业潜在的盈利点;另一方面,消费者的环保意识增强使得对低碳产品的消费更加偏爱。基于此,本文将针对在寡头垄断市场中,研究两家碳排放制造型企业面对碳限额交易制度和消费者的环保偏好时,如何制定最优的市场竞争策略,包括技术减排投资和产品定价,以实现期望利润最大化。结果表明,技术减排成本系数、碳交易价格和消费者对低碳产品的偏好系数是影响两企业竞争策略的关键因素,三个因素的取值不同甚至会彻底改变均衡状态下两企业相对的减排投资力度和相对的盈利能力。此外,本文还研究了两企业只作为价格接受者的竞争策略,对比发现,无论价格内生或外生,碳交易背景下存在顾客环保偏好的双企业横向竞争都存在均衡状态且具有相似性。


邓万江, 马士华, 关旭 . 碳交易背景下存在顾客环保偏好的双企业竞争策略研究[J]. 中国管理科学, 2017 , 25(12) : 17 -26 . DOI: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2017.12.003


As it has become a worldwide concern that how to reduce carbon emissions effectively, more and more firms take low-carbon operations into account when producing and selling eco-friendly products. On one hand, in China, the reform of carbon-emission-trading provides firms with new opportunities to develop the market; on the other hand, the increment of environmental awareness makes consumers prefer eco-friendly products. So,in this paper, the integrated impact of carbon-emission-trading mechanism and consumer environmental awareness on duopoly enterprises is investigated. A two-stage duopoly competition model is built, where two manufacturers simultaneously decide the investment levels on low-carbon technologies in the first stage and then simultaneously set the selling prices of their products in the second stage. Based on that, the backward induction method is adopted to derive the optimal decisions about the low-carbon investment and the selling price for each firm. Similarly, another scenario wherein both firms are assumed as the price takers is dissussed, which means that the product selling price is exogenously decided by the market. Under either scenario, comparative analysis is also implemented based on the equilibrium results for two manufacturers with unequal initial market shares. The results reveal that the carbon-emission-trading price, the unit environmental improvement cost and the consumer environmental awareness jointly exert a significant effect on firms' optimal strategies, including both the carbon reduction investment strategy and the pricing strategy. In specific, our main findings are concluded as follows:1) No matter whether the duopoly manufacturers are price takers or not, there always exist the equilibrium results. 2) When the cost of emission reduction technologies is high and the price of carbon emission permits is low, the firm with a larger initial market share will invest more on new technologies; but when the investment cost becomes low and the permit price becomes high, the firm with a smaller initial market share tends to invest more on the new technologies to attract more consumers with high environmental awareness. 3) The numerical results show that the firm with a larger initial market share will make more profit when the investment cost is high and the permit price is low, but when the investment cost becomes very low and the permit price becomes very hign the firm with a smaller initial market share could make even more profit than the larger firm. However, the numerical studies also imply that the reverse that the smaller firm exceeds the larger firm in the aspect of either the emission reduction level or the profit occurs rarely. All in all, the integrated impacts incured by the carbon-emission-trading price, the carbon reduction investment cost and the consumer environmental awareness on the duopoly firms' competitive strategies about low-carbon investment and pricing are investigated. The equilibrium results provide an important managerial insight that the smaller firm can make more profit than the larger firm if he seizes the opportunity of carbon-emission-trading mechanism to increase the investment on low-carbon technologies when either the cost on new technologies is very low or the trading price of carbon emission permits is very high.


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