In recent years,the trend of economic globalization is becoming increasingly obvious and tariff levels are constantly decreasing.However,this is not on behalf of the full liberalization of the global economy and trade.Because technical barrier has its own characteristics,that is concealment,rationality and flexibility.It has gradually become the main form of non-tariff barriers.According to the research center of China's technical barriers to trade,the notification of food has reached more than half.As a result,relevant issues related technical trade barriers of food enterprise has caused wide attention of scholars at home and abroad.Besides,available literature shows technical differentiation is one of the crucial reasons of generating technical barriers to trade.However,more research is mainly focused on the causes of technical trade barriers and its influence on export enterprises.There is less study focused on food enterprises'technology choice, while the enterprises will inevitably consider the cost factor at the time they choose technology improvement strategy.In this paper,under the hypothesis of duopoly market, an enterprise of developing country for exporting products as well as an enterprise of developed country for domestic sale is investigated under the circumstances whether there exist technical trade barriers or not.After that,two enterprises'technology selection cost,labor resources cost and product disposal cost in different cases are set up and calcalated so as to get the total cost of product sales process.Based on price-sensitive consumers, product market demand function of two enterprises in both cases is built,which is distinguished with whether technical trade barriers exist.Then the enterprise product price and technology selection decisions objective function is established according to enterprise product price,market demand and the total cost of sales process under two different circumstances.After that,by solving analysis method of two-phase game model,two enterprises' technology selection strategy and the impact of cost on enterprise technology choice in the process of the product sales are discussed in both cases of whether technical barriers to trade exist.Besides,two enterprises' product prices,sales amounts and profit changes under the circumstance of optimal technology selection are compared.Numerical analysis is used to show the practical applicability of the proposed model in context on the basis of apple export trade data in 20 15.The result shows,under the circumstance of no technical barriers,enterprise in developing country won't change the level of production technology;while in the presence of technical trade barrier,enterprises'technology selection strategies will be affected by the cost of disposal cost factors.Furthermore,compared with developed country,the impact of above factors on developing country is more significant,and this effect will further exacerbate with the increase of product recall coefficient.Finally,relevant policy suggestion is put forward that Chinese authorities are supposed to enhance construction of food safety standards,and food enterprises should strengthen their awareness of food safety social responsibility.
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