随着现代物流业的发展,企业将一些业务如采购外包给第三方物流公司(3PL,Third-Party Logistics)从而专注于发展自己的核心业务已经成为企业参与激烈的市场竞争的手段和趋势。另外,由于产品周期缩短,期权合同在供应链中的应用越来越广泛。因此,考虑期权合同下3PL参与管理企业采购的供应链更具有现实和理论意义。但是,现有文献很少考虑上述假设下3PL联合决策采购数量和服务费用的问题。基于此,本文考虑由一个零售商和一个3PL形成的供应链,分别建立了随机需求条件下,3PL运用期权合同管理采购和零售商管理采购的模型,并运用博弈理论求解了上述情况下零售商和3PL的均衡解。研究表明,只有在一定条件下3PL管理采购才能提高零售商,3PL和系统的利润,且只有当风险非常大的时候零售商才拥有先动优势。
With the development of modern logistics, enterprises usually outsource some of their business such as procurement to the third-party logistics service provider. They make the third-party logistics service provider share the risk of uncertainty with them, and thus they can devote themselves to developing their own core business. This has become a approach and trend for the enterprise to participate in the fierce market competition. In addition, during the procurement, as the product cycle is shortened, many enterprises are increasingly tending to use the option contract to avoid the procurement risk, and it makes the option contract more and more widely applied in the supply chain. Therefore, considering the fact that the third-party logistics (3PL) participates in managing the supply chain of the enterprise is of greater realistic and theoretical significance. However, the existing literatures seldom consider the problem of 3PL jointly deciding the procurement quantity and service cost under the abovementioned assumption. On the basis of this point, in this paper, the model for a 3PL is explored to apply the option contract to manage the procurement and the model for a supplier to manage the procurement when a supplier and a 3PL form a supply chain and build the random demand respectively, and the game theory is applied to solve the equilibrium solution for the supplier and 3PL under the abovementioned conditions. Research has shown that, only under certain conditions can 3PL-managed procurement improve the profit for the retailer, 3PL and supply chain system, and only when the risk is high can the retailer own the first-mover advantage. Besides, when 3PL gives a relatively small compensation proportion to the retailer, the retailer will choose to manage the procurement by itself and be subject to the 3PL-oriented decision. As the profit of the 3PL is higher than that of the retailer-oriented decision at this time, the 3Pl will accept this strategy. The conclusion from this paper will enrich the literatures of 3PL research and be of some guiding significance to the practical operation of the retailer and 3PL.
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