The lack of pricing power of preponderant metal minerals in China exerts significant impact on economic growth and economic security of our country, which causes related models established by many scholars to explain it. So in this paper, intergenerational equity equilibrium and social preferences equilibrium are combined with Cournot model to solve the technological problem of intergenerational compensation and strategic value compensation. And by calculating market demand of preponderant metal minerals and setting up tax subjects, statistics concerned development compensation could be obtained and results of theoretical model could be verified by examples. The conclusion of the theoretical model and the numerical simulation shows that intergenerational equity equilibrium and social preferences equilibrium enhance international trade market power of preponderant metal minerals owing to the production of intergenerational value and strategic value. However, the impact exerted on market power by social preference is inconsistent, that is, changes of altruistic Cournot equilibrium and reciprocal inequity Cournot equilibrium are consistent, while inequity aversion Cournot equilibrium has the characteristic of loss aversion, namely, under the consideration of inequity aversion Cournot competition, Counot-Nash equilibrium transform monotonically with sympathy and envy of inequity aversion. The conclusions and theoretical models achieve the effective combination between sustainable development concept and value evaluation thinking and expanding the theoretical framework for the lack of pricing power of mineral resources, and establish provide new thinking and analysis theoretical framework for pricing power explanation of related merchandise trade.
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