针对客户时间窗变化而导致的物流配送难以顺利实施这一难题,运用干扰管理思想,以提高物流配送干扰管理决策过程的科学性为目标,结合行为科学中对人的行为感知的研究方法与运筹学中定量的研究手段,分析客户时间窗变化这类干扰事件对客户、物流配送运营商和配送业务员等受扰主体的影响,研究基于行为的扰动度量方法, 构建客户时间窗变化的字典序多目标干扰管理模型,并给出快速高效的求解方法。实例结果表明:本文方法比已有的全局重调度方法和局部重调度方法更实用——能够均衡各方的利益,获得扰动最小的调整方案。
It is difficult to generate the new plan effectively for minimizing the negative impact when the time window of customer changes in logistic distribution. Based on disruption management, this research aims to improve the science of the decision making of disruption management in logistic distribution by combining the behavioral perception in prospect theory with the quantitative analysis in operations research. At the beginning, the method to measure the deviation based on prospect theory is studied by analyzing the effects of the change of time window on customers, logistics providers and drivers. Then, the multi-objective model of disruption management is constructed and an improved ant colony optimization is demonstrated. The computational result of the model proves that, due to the tradeoff between all parties involved in logistic distribution, our approach is more practical than global rescheduling and local rescheduling. This research contributes to the theory and method of disruption management, which can be used in other fields, such as production planning problems, flight scheduling, supply chain management, etc.
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