GARCH model is being widely used in the research of hedging. However, in some recent empirical analysis, the application in estimation of hedging ratio of this model has been proved to be defective.The high persistence of conditional variance in GARCH model affect the accuracy of the description of asset price series. The Markov Regime-Switching is applied into the construction of hedging model in this paper.The MRS-DCC model which combines MRS model with DCC-GARCH model is established. Using this new model, the hedging ratio of copper futures market is estimated. Meantime, the range yields instead of intraday yields is used as the mark yields to estimate the hedging ratio innovatively. Range yields can reflect the variance of target asset price accurately and help the investor hold the risk of changing of margin position. The using of range yields conform to the real demand of hedging strategy. The method of combination of MRS model and DCC-GARCH model is explained theoretically. With the empirical analysis of copper futures market,from October 15, 2007 to October 15, 2010, in both in-sample and out-sample method, it is proved that the introduction of the Markov regime-switching and range yields improves the accuracy of the estimation of hedging ratio and the hedging performance.The reference for state dependent hedging strategy and measurement of volatility risk of asset price are prouided.
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