人员管理水平滞后于业务发展速度已成为制约我国农信机构进一步发展的瓶颈。本文以浙江农信系统内7家银行为研究样本, 通过问卷调查构建符合农信机构特点的客户经理综合评价指标体系;引进网络层次分析法(ANP)解决各指标相互影响且权重难以划分的问题;利用扎根理论和追问访谈验证指标体系的科学性和合理性;最后通过实例测算证明了评价模型的适用性。本文构建的ANP模型为我国农信机构开展客户经理的综合评价、提升管理水平提供了综合的理论框架和实用的技术工具。
The management level of rural credit agency is behind the business development speed. This situation has become the bottleneck to the rural credit agency's further development. Seven banks in Zhejiang rural credit agency system are taken as the research samples, the questionnaire survey and other methods are used to build comprehensive evaluation indexes according with the characteristics of the rural credit agency system, and network analytic hierarchy process (ANP) is introduced to solve the problem that indexes are mutual influence and weights are difficult to divide and measure. At the same time, the inquiry and the grounded theory are to prove that the model is scientific and reasonable. Finally, an example is proposed to test evaluation model is applicable. A comprehensive theoretical framework and practical technical tool are provided in this paper.
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