本文研究由生产商和客户组成的二级供应链库存联合优化问题, 假设提前期服从均匀分布, 提前期订货受生产商的生产行为和客户的订货行为的制约, 建立了以库存成本为目标函数的供应链提前期供需库存模型, 提出了联合优化解决方案, 证明了目标函数在最优订货量和最优订货次数处存在最小目标值。在此基础上, 分析了提前期对供应链库存联合优化决策的影响。数据分析表明, 联合优化决策方法的库存成本曲线始终在分散决策优化方法的成本曲线的下方, 因此联合决策方法是非常有效的。
In the traditional manufacture-customer supply-demand joint model, it is assumed that the lead time belongs to the negative exponential distribution in the time interval [0, ∞) and it only related to the customer. But in the real condition, the manufacturer generally plays an more important role than the customer in the supply chain, especially in the vendor-centralized supply chain. The manufacturer controls the operation of the supply chain and thus easily decides the behavior of the lead time. In this paper, it is assumed that the lead time belongs to the uniform distribution and the time interval of the lead time is decided by both the manufacturer and the customer in the supply chain. The lead time based joint inventory optimization model in the supply chain environment is established by combining their independent inventory model together and optimizing the model in the joint environment. The presented optimization method proves that the objective function has the minimum value at optimum order quantity and optimum order times in the lead time condition. The simulation shows that the proposed joint optimization method is always better than the independent optimization method.
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