The industrial cluster transfer from developed regions to underdeveloped regions is becoming the dominant way of regional industrial transfer under the background of intra-product specialization. Industrial cluster transfer is the mass of the enterprise "unity" migration behavior. It includes cluster supply network, production and sales network such as symbiosis network across regions flow. Industrial cluster transfer not only reflects and reveals the basic features of the current regional industry transfer and its intrinsic motivation but also forms a profound impact on the regional production network. Therefore, it is an important theoretical problem to be solved in regional economic management that systematically discusses industrial cluster transfer and regional production network co-evolution and analyzes the role of the government behavior in the process. In this paper, by using the basic theory of evolutionary game and research paradigm, first of all, industrial cluster transfer and regional production network collaborative evolutionary stages and government behavior are analyzed; Then under the government involvement in the transfer of the cluster evolutionary game model of enterprises and regional production network are built, the main influencing factors of the co-evolution these are discussed; Finally, system evolution stages of the numerical simulation under the government intervention are analyzed, and relevant policy implications are discussed. The results show that the cluster transfer enterprise and regional production network co-evolution contain four stages, including early-low synergy, growth-coupling development, mature period-highly collaborative and transition-differentiation restructuring; The core of mechanism on co-evolution of cluster transfer enterprises and regional production network is cost-benefit mechanism because their initial state and behavior selection strategy decide the evolution path of system. Government behavior plays an important role in evolution stages and overall evolution speed of synergy evolution. This research is an innovative exploration about the industrial transfer and regional production network theory, which can provide the reference on guiding the regional industrial transfer orderly and promoting regional industrial transformation and upgrading.
HU Li-ming, ZHAO Rui-xia
. Research on Co-evolution of Industrial Cluster Transfer and Regional Production Network and Government Behavior[J]. Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2017
, 25(3)
: 76
DOI: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2017.03.009
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