The existing research appears to negative DEA model, mainly for some simple semi-oriented and radial model. As to complex models, mostly the negative variable look-ahead processing is positive, then substituted into model, but this idea loss the original data structure, resulting in the accuracy and reliability of the model has been questioned, particularly Hybrid DEA model, including radial and non-radial, non-oriented factors, and there is no case for the negative research. Therefore, from a semi-oriented CCR model, it is based on mathematically derived to give a series of non-oriented, non-radial mathematical model and such negative processing rules provided by Emrouznejad apply to these models, thus forming the new ones handling the negative non-oriented situations radial model (NORM-VRS DEA), non-oriented and non-radial model (NOM-VRS DEA), further, conducted in-depth study of its mathematical model, there are some conclusions lemma and final settlement of Hybrid DEA model problems with the negative situations. Subsequently, the development of model specification for Chinese securities company's operating efficiency empirical analysis also verify the actual effectiveness of the model and whether deduced lemma and conclusions are correct or not. Finally, It's found that something of the original Hybrid DEA theory contrary to the department, and give a simple analysis.
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