Taking into account the capacity constraint of road, the k-shelter problem is proposed based on the k-center problem. The problem for the case of k=1 on the general tree graph is analyzed and one strategy searching the optimal location for the shelter is designed. On the line graph, the strategy for the case of k=1 is firstly improved and then the properties for the cases of k=2 and k>2 are analyzed, respectively. According to these properties, a kind of binary search algorithms whose time complexity equals O(nlogkn) is proposed for the general case of k on the line graph. The proposed model extends the classical k-center problem, and the designed algorithms are contributed to the practice of emergency management.
NI Guan-qun, XU Yin-feng, XU Jiu-ping
. The LocationModels and Algorithms for Emergency Shelter with Traffic Capacity Constraint[J]. Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2015
, 23(1)
: 82
DOI: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2015.01.011
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