The sustainable development of talents is necessary for the development of enterprises, and the employees' development is supported by the organization platform. To solve the imperfection of development paths and fuzziness of development criterion, first, by analyzing and comparing the existing theoretical results of career development paths, an "inverted cone career development model" is proposed from the Person-Post Matching perspective based on win-win concept of the organization's employee development. On its basis, a career development venation with representativeness is put forward. Second, a factor model which influences the organization's employee development is built based on the Grounded Theory, forming a quantitative study basis of organization's employee development management. Last, by converting the factors into development points' items, an organization's employee development points' model is constructed, which can quantify the staffs' career development as a periodic cycle from establishing developing goals, confirming development points' items, carrying the corresponding study through, passing the development points' evaluation to becoming a reserve talent. Above all, the results of this article provide a new research insight to the organization's employee development management,fill the gap of its quantitative study and has been practiced, demonstrated its validity.
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