In very low-frequency,high-consequence emergency events, a group or individual's prior experience will influence judgments and decision. Emergency response procedures play a guiding role when emergency accidents happen. Through analyzing multiple emergency response procedures, it is found that some actions repeatedly work together with a sequence, if those actions can be normalizedand fixed as a module, reaction time will be reduced and coordination will be improved, the generation of emergency modular will provide a suggestion for the same type of emergency accident on adjusting and emergency training. The purpose of this paper is to extract the commonality and particularity module from multiple emergency response procedures, firstly partition the general directed graphwhich is formed by superimposing multiple emergency response procedures, and determine therepresentative of candidate module by defining the similarity of the directed graph. Finally, a mathematical programming model whose goal is to minimum the sum of procedures' difference and module's interface is built. Then, by designing the heuristic algorithm, all edges of general directed graph are distributed to response procedure modules. Through analyzing the case, it is verified that this method can obtain the module with demand, and it provides a methodological basis for rapidly reconstruction and functional combination on emergency response procedures.
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